Stuff related to the Galapagos Islands

The Charles Darwin Foundation - This is the primary place for preservation and research on the islands. Become a friend of the Galapagos - it's worth it!

Galapgos Vacation - Columbus Travel Ltd. an Ecuadorian company with Norwegian Management. Rated among the top three companies on Galapagos by Top Adventure Tours. One of the major travel agencies in Ecuador with an average of 3000 passengers each year.

World Wildlife Fund - as opposed to the World Wrestling Federation, this is where you are bound to find animals of a more civilized nature.

Tom Hollowell's Galapgos Course - If you can get to George Mason University, here's a top choice for a way to spend your time!

Dr. Robert H. Rothman - a professor at my alma matter, R.I.T., with a special interest and focus in the Galapagos Islands

Stuff related to comic strips in general

Mutts - Patrick McDonnell's genius strip. Probably the greatest strip currently drawn.

The Doonesbury Page - Not only a great strip, but one heckuva well-organized web site!

Hogan's Alley - The online magazine dedicated to the cartoon arts - full of cartoon history and current artist interviews!

United Media - A good starting point to find such strips as Peanuts and Dilbert!

Stuff Dave Gau thinks is fun if you MUST spend time on your computer

ComedySportz - Amazing national improv phenomenon.

ShaveFX Animation & Visual Effects - This is what I do now.

Nick Iacona - An old college film buddy turned media designer extraordinaire!

TV Jerry - Jerry Williams, independant producer/director in Richmond, keeps tabs on the entire production industry in this area. All this and movie reviews, too!

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